Sunday, September 9, 2012

WSO2 Storage Server

This is a new product by WSO2. This contain some of the data related functionalists the was in WSO2 DSS (Data Service Server). These removed functionalists do not go with the word "data services" but they were useful for data services. So I think It is a good Idea to have those as a separate product.

This new product (WSO2 Storage Server) will include(most probably) following as basics,
RSS (Relational Storage Service/Server)
CSS (Column Storage Service/Server)
HDFSSS (HDFS Storage Service/Server)

This is not there to be downloaded yet. But will be soon. I only know few details about the storage server. When I get to know more, I'll add those details here as well.


  1. Hi Ramesh,

    This is quite useful information for planning an SOA platform. I was searching for Cassandra features in DSS 3.0.0 and realized there is no KeySpace management features. I realized that CSS is going to be a different product only when I added the features repo and see the "Storage Server" as a product.

    Keep it up.

  2. Thanks, Started this article in hope of adding more on SS later, but forgot it as I got busy. It really great to know that, this small paragraph helped somebody.
