Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Using OSGi console to debug things

This OSGi console was very helpful to me in finding out problems relevant to OSGi bundles. You can have lot of information about this in the Internet. In here what I am going to write is about how I used it in the debugging.

First start the server with following option

-DosgiConsole. This will start the server with OSGi console. This is very helpful in situations like, checking whether all bundles that you put in to droppings have activated. When the server starts. Put ss in console. This will give a list of all bundles.

Use it with 'like' modifier to get the relevant bundles only. Ex ss like student

Now you can see state of all bundles. With the installation of a bundle in the OSGi runtime this bundle is persisted in a local bundle cache. The OSGi runtime then tries to resolve all dependencies of the bundle.If all required dependencies are resolved the bundle is in the status RESOLVED otherwise it is in the status INSTALLED.
If several bundles exist which would satisfy the dependency, then the bundle with the highest version is used. If the versions are the same, then the bundle with the lowest ID will be used. If the bundle is started, its status is STARTING. Afterwards it gets the ACTIVE status. - (http://www.vogella.com/articles/OSGi/article.html#osgiarch_bundles good reference)

You have to have all your bundles acticvated. If not check what is wrong with them using 'bundle <bundle number>' command. If there is no error, try starting it manually using 'start <bundle number>'

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