Saturday, June 30, 2012

1st Verification – Verification of “index length + data length = actual disk space used”

I think I found where DBs are stored. As I am working in XAMPP there were stored in /opt/lampp/var/mysql there where folders for each database. When tried to open them it gives me a error saying “you don't have permission” Next thing I tried was trying to open it in the terminal using sudo. Unlucky me it gave me a error saying “sudo: cd: command not found”. Have to find a way to open such folders. I'll write a post on this, If I find a way (Or any one who know a way can help me by commenting below). Till then I used “sudo nautilus path/”

There were 3 files for each table in each db. A .frm file, .myd file, .myi file. All three are contributing to the space used
  • FRM files contain table structure information.
  • MYD contains the actual table data.
  • MYI files contain the indexes.
Using “sudo ls -hs path” list the files inside the folder given by the path with sizes.

-s, --summarize (display only a total for each argument)
-h, --human-readable ( print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G))

so It showed that figures given in the information schema is similar to the results given by the above command. But size of the FRM file was not take in to account by me. But looks like all the .frm files are having the same length (12K) so I can sum them up If I know the number of tables. However I have to check why others ignore this file when they are calculating.

Some databases only have .frm file

Going through the database folders, I saw that some folders only have a .frm file in it. Searching for that I found out that there is two major engines within MySQL: MyISAM and InnoDB. If the table belongs to InnoDB, it only includes .frm file. Data of that kind of DBs are stored in a single or multiple (you can configure that) .idb files.

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