Saturday, June 2, 2012

Need to find I/O rates, bandwidth used by each Database in the MySQL server.

So where I went yesterday seems to be misleading. I thought I have to measure the bandwidth used by the requests coming into the WSO2 Data Service Server. However what I have to do was, I have to measure the facets about queries happen in between web service end and the database end. First I thought If I calculate(simply sum) the length fields of the SOAP requests it would be enough. I got to know that they(WSO2) already measuring that. What I have to do is, when SOAP is read and DB queries are made I have to measure those connections.

MySQL log files

I thought there can be interesting information in MySQL log files so I searched on that. Search gave me this resource( ), where it talks about different types of server logs like general log, error log, slow query log. After all I found them no interest to my problem.

Server Status Variables

My next stop was server status variables ( This gives us lot of valuable information about the server and those are very related to measuring server usage. Nevertheless our main problem of finding the usage by a individual database is still no solved.

Limiting the number of connections, size, number of queries

Being exhausted with finding a way to measure size and I/O rates, I stared searching of a way to limit those parameters. Lucky me, I have found something, even it is not what I wanted. So I am thinking about a billing system where we will not measure but we will limit the usage of the user. User can select a plan that suits him. As a example he can select a plan giving 20BG of space + 1M queries per hour.

How to limit other parameters like no_of_connections, no_of_queries_per_hour, etc.:

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